Looking at 4-24 Art.7... "It is not legal to use the hand and/or forearm to prevent an opponent from attacking the ball during a dribble or when throwing for goal."
I have a hard time trying to interpet what the rule is trying to prevent as long as the forearm is not extended too far past the body or extended to push off a defender.
My wife, the coach, says if I ever called it on one of her players (theoretical, because I would never call one of her games) I had better be prepared to follow up with a "T" on her.
I see it most often at lower levels of play where I just drop the whistle and say "watch the arm".
I don't think I have ever called a foul on anybody for just protecting the ball as long as they didn't push off, but thats not what the rule as written says.
Have any of you ever had a discussion regarding this rule?