Originally Posted by KJUmp
Ditto to what everyone else has said so far. FYI...I find that their shirts fit me tight (and I'm not a big guy by any means) so I order one size larger than normal. I just received a new one last week (large...I'm a medium).. glad I did. I've always thought their shirts were were far inferior to whatelse ids out there on the market. I just don't find them comfortable.
I don't know about anyone else, but my ASA shirts seem to be just about the right size. I'm an XL and a large is tight, but I can wear it comfortably.
I'm a fitted hat guy and I HATE their fitted hats. I bought an adjustable for this season as the ASA cap I have just fits me too tight and I've tried to stretch it a bit with no success. Like their shirts I find the material that their hats made of of to be inferior to a New Era or Richardson.
The problem with the hats is that there is no consistency in sizes. I have about a dozen or so hats and those with the same size on the tag are rarely the same size. No problem with the material. For that matter, I'll still wear the wool caps every now and then.
Don't know why they just don't workout a licensing argreement with one of the larger offical's supply companys out there.
Just my two cents.
I doubt ASA is producing anything on their own.