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Old Fri Nov 08, 2002, 07:15pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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I'm continuing this discussion not to debate, but to learn when ASA wants this rule applied and under what condidions. I've seen it argued elsewhere that so long as the action is per se legel, then this rule cannot be invoked. I don't agree with that, so that is why I observed that in the 2 examples you gave, illegal actions were being performed.

Starting with your last statement, the only reason I made the distinction of clock v darkness was because of my suggestion of having special rules dealing with the final 10 minutes of a timed game. Otherwise, I agree it is the same issue.

Let's take your first situation. Suppose the defense decided to intentionally walk every batter. Given the situation, would you invoke the rule? The pitcher made it easier for you by throwing illegal pitches and intentionally disregarding your instructions. Suppose he hadn't done that, but just intentionally walked the batter?

And, again, in the game called on account of darkness, what would you have done if one team had been innocent? Suppose the defense just "muffs" every play, never allowing the inning to end, but the other team just continues to play normally? Would you invoke the rule against the defensive team once it became clear they were just stalling? Or what would you have done if you hadn't heard the offensive players talking about getting an intentional out by stepping on the plate?

And, finally, what about changing pitchers 3 times in succession, as was (supposedly) done at an ASA JO FP Nationals?
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