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Old Fri Mar 27, 2009, 12:43pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by Berkut View Post
Lots of thing have happened before and happen right now that various people do not find acceptable. Again, avoiding the question.

Do YOU find it acceptable? Does Rut?

Quit avoiding the question by telling us how it is already happening. Is it or is not acceptable *with you* for assignors to preferentially choose "white" officials over "black" officials under some circumstances?

Congratulations. The only thing I am certain of about my race is that I am 100% human.

A nice generalization based on...what? How "white" does someone have to be to be certain that they will "have an extreme reaction"? Does the one drop white rule apply here?

I guess you are white, since you said you were 1/2 white - certainly you are just as white as you are black - do you find yourself having a "lot more extreme reactions"?

They do? How could they tell? Is it possible to be a racist and not be obvious?

What difference would it make anyway - if we found out he was NOT obviously racist, would that make his actions acceptable? Is it ok to be incompetent, just as long as you are not "racist"?

What questions would we ask to find out if he was racist? Perhaps we could see if he makes overly broad and generalized comments about other based on this perceived "race" thing?

Would comments along the lines of "black people tend to react in a certain way, while white people react in some other 'extreme' way" suffice to ascertain if he is a racist? As an example, of course.

And what does that tell us?

Is there *anything* that tells us beyond how terribly racist everyone is - anything at all? Is it *possible* that there are reason that have nothing to do with race or racism that explain why there are more "white" officials than "black" officials (and I defy anyone to come up with a coherent and objective definition of those terms to begin with)?

Does it bother you that while "black" people make up 11-13% of the population, they make up 100% of the starting corner backs in the NFL? Should we look into this to see if there is racism at work?
Your reaction tells me alot about you. Very emotional as if someone has done something to you.

I don't go around worrying about what is or isn't acceptable. Why don't you answer your own questions? My answers aren't going to affect how you perceive this or any other situation. My opinions are based on my lifetime of experiences. And whether you like it or not my physical appearance allows me for hear things said by people who wouldn't say them in front of me if they knew what my parents looked like.

I, personally, have never really encountered any discrimination that has adversely affected me. But I'll let you guess which one of my 3 parents has relayed stories of racial discrimination that directly affected them. But I guess you would say those experiences are balanced out by racial make-up of cornerbacks in the NFL.
A-hole formerly known as BNR

Last edited by Raymond; Fri Mar 27, 2009 at 12:51pm.