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Old Thu Mar 26, 2009, 10:00am
youngump youngump is offline
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Illegal Pitch Penalty Redux

So, the previous illegal pitch thread got me confused and I thought a new thread might make it easier for you all to straighten me out. I only had a few minutes to review the rules and came out lost. The book I was reading last night is Federation.

Sitch 1:

R1 on 2B, R2 on 1B. B3 0-0 count. B3 takes a delayed dead ball illegal pitch down the middle.

On the release, both runners break for the subsequent base. F2 throws to second and retires the runner coming in to second.

Batter did not become a batter runner so the penalty must be enforced

-- what I thought 24 hours ago --
Ball, R1 safe at 3B, R2 safe at 2B.

-- what the rules seem to say --
Ball, R1 safe at home, R2 is still out at 2B.
Because it's clear that the penalty is to be applied at the end of the action -- though maybe I'm just missing where it says penalty is from TOP.

I don't like the subsequent interpretation and think I'm just missing something or they've written it different from what everybody knows it means. I guess I thought the penalty was, cancel all the action on the play (no strike, no advance, no throw out) and then advance the runners.

But that would get very messy, because sitch 2 could be a nice long argument:

R1 on 2B, R2 on 1B. B3 0-0 count. B3 takes a delayed dead ball illegal pitch that is not in the strike zone.

R1 and R2 break on the pitch, F2 throws to F8 trying to throw to F4. R1 comes home on the overthrow and R2 is safe at third.

If I now announce that the pitcher was illegal, the batter still has a 1-0 count, and the runners have to go back to 2nd and 3rd, the OC is not going to be happy.

I'm going to go check both of my books on this after work today, but I'd appreciate if somebody could break it down for me first to make it crystal clear when I read it. Thanks.
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Last edited by youngump; Mon Sep 19, 2011 at 06:48pm.
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