Originally Posted by CajunNewBlue
I agree... i just don't agree with the statement "If a player wasn't born with it attached to her body...it's jewelry."
I looked up what a barrette is.... but wtf about other types of hair "containment" type devices... those plastic half loop hair thingies? I "allowed" them in a FED game last night (i couldnt see them, d@mn field faces right into the setting sun)
Well, I can't speak for what NFHS would say about this or that. There will be plenty of cases where you'll find grey areas. For me, if I'm going to make the determination between whether or not to allow certain articles of "clothing," it would boil down to a few simple things.
Does it serve an actual purpose related to the game? (ie., does it keep her hair out of her face?)
Is it purely for ornamentation?
Does it have anything that, if broken or removed, could be dangerous to herself or others (such as beads on the ribbon she's using to hold her hair back)?
Does it have anything that, even if kept in place, could be dangerous to herself or others (such as sharp edges or points)?
Is it something that, if removed, would have an adverse impact on that player's performance?
That last one is reaching, but something worth considering. If the answer is no, then your response is simple: take it off.