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Old Tue Mar 24, 2009, 09:59am
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Originally Posted by mbyron View Post
Well, it used to be the case that banks made sufficient profit by lending at interest. The definition of "sufficient" has changed in the last 20 years, and banks have instituted a raft of fees on depositors for the privilege of accessing their own money. My personal fave is a fee imposed (and later removed) by a local bank for using a teller instead of an ATM.

That said, I don't complain about ATM fees. If a bank wants to charge me an ATM fee, I find another bank.
Agreed, but I think we're talking about separate things. I'm not talking about a bank charging you to access your money from their accounts. I'm talking about privately owned ATMs sitting in the 7/11, or Albertson's, or bank you don't have your money in. If you bank at Wells Fargo, you can use their ATMs for free, but Bank of America will charge you if you want to take your money out of Wells Fargo through the B of A machine.

I put my money where it's most advantageous, and that would not be a bank that charges me to use their machines.

I use USAA, though, so I don't get charged and they reimburse me when I take money out of someone else's machine.
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