Originally Posted by Rita C
High School Rules
3-3-8 gives instructions of what to do when an offensive player reaches base and cannot continue and there are no available substitutes.
Then in (c) it says: When the half-inning ends and the team assumes a defensive position, refer to 4-3-1g.
I'm assuming that 4-3-1g allows the game to continue with 8 on defense, but there isn't anything specific.
I am happy to see someone making an effort to understand different rules.
One thing you need to understand is that rarely does any one sentence/paragraph of a rule (in any book) stand alone. There is often a complimentary entry which supports and/or offers direction in regards to the situation created by the enforcement of the original rule in question.
In this case, it was a shorthanded rule (which allows teams to continue play with less than the required number of players) which allowed the team that was on offense at the time to continue with the game instead of forfeiting.
A shorthanded rule applies to the teams, not a specific portion of the game (offense or defense).