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Old Thu Nov 07, 2002, 07:29pm
don16954 don16954 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 21

Having seen responses on another thread, how do most states officials evaluate the performance of their officials? I know in Illinois it is the head coach or Athletic Director of a varsity game worked by the officials. However, we do not know who submitted an evaluation, so that the performance or alleged lack thereof can be discussed with the evaluator, nor are they required to tell what they believe needs to be done for improvement. In addition to school officials, Certified officials (Illinois has three levels of officials Registered, Recognized and Certified, your level along with the coaches' evaluations actually filed determines your playoff possibilities)can evaluate an official one time per season. However, it is rarely done, unless officials on your crew are certified, because typically all officials are working somewhere due to the shortage of officials in Illinois.
I also saw on the other thread where Indiana is also evaluated by officials, but am unaware if the official is made known as to who evaluated them or if know why coach evaluated them (i.e. tips for areas of improvement).
Please respond as this has been as issue the past couple of years as to whether officials in our State are being evaluated fairly and competently, so as to improve their individual and crew performances on the field.
Hey coach, this is Friday night, not Sunday afternoon.

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