Originally Posted by mutantducky
did anyone see that security guard ripping the John 3:16 sign. That was awesome. who are those losers going around holding the signs. I give them credit for being in the right places to be seen but fu#k them.
Good grief. I'll agree that there are better things to do with their time, more productive things even if they want to evangelize. But your comments are just juvenile, frankly.
Originally Posted by mutantducky
not you. I have no problem at all with you using the 3:16 in your sig. By losers I didn't mean you. I meant those people in the gym who keep running around holding the signs and clearly have that in mind over watching a game which is why they are removing the signs.
This isn't much better. Why are they "losers?" Because you don't agree with them? While it's certainly within the rights of game management to remove the signs, I have to wonder why.