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Old Thu Nov 07, 2002, 05:50pm
don16954 don16954 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 21

I concur with i011763 regarding Illinois using 5 officials for the state series. In the Southwestern portion of the state, a few crews use 6, but most crews try to have five officials the entire year. However, due to the decline in the number of officials (down 396 from 2002 statewide), it is sometimes difficult to have a 5 man crew.

The schools in the St. Louis metro East and south of Interstate 70 vary in compensation. As an athletic association, we have tried to get all the local schools to pay the same, if not across the board, at least within same conference. No luck so far.

Typically a single varsity game is $45.00-$57.00 per man for five man crew. Some AD's, especially those schools with strong playoff histories, will give a 6th offical the same pay, others take the total compensation that would have been paid to a five man crew and divide it up for 6.

Soph/Frosh/JV (maximum 4 man crew):
Individual game $37.50 - $40 per person,
Back-to-back $65.00-$70.00
Eighth Grade/Seventh Grade (3 man crew):
Individual $35.00 - $37.50
Back-to-back $60.00 to $65.00

(AD's tell us that they do not double the amount becuase we are already there, and do not need compensation for driving twice. Advise them that if we left it would cost them the full amount to bring in another crew or not have a game. The arguments so far have always fallen short mainly because our officials' association has not really stood solid on the matter.)

Pee-Wee, Pop Warner, Pony Leagues (3 man crews) - $25.00 - $35.00 a game. Most leagues around here have a mandate that at least two Licensed officials must be officiating the game.

No travel pay in the Southwest Illinois either.

Thanks for posting info. I am making copies to present to our association board for further discussion of how other states compensate teir officials.
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