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Old Fri Mar 20, 2009, 03:58pm
vcblue vcblue is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Ventura County, CA
Posts: 257
The knuckle head committee

12U Rec. In-field fly, I point and signal verbally. The ball is caught by F3, she turns and tags 1st (after the coaches frantically yell at her to do so) before the runner returns to the base to tag up. 3 outs half inning over.

The coach runs out and tells me that she has to be tagged. I say no, the ball is live and the runner must tag up just like any caught ball. He tells me, “last night the blue said she had to tag her”. He told me the ball was not caught. I told him that umpire was correct, and when the ball is not caught in an IFS the batter/runner is still out and the base runners or no longer forced, therefore the base runner must be tagged before they make to the base.

Then the knuckle head committee was formed. Three coaches and two parents all in the “Thinking Man” pose convincing each other that I was wrong. This lasted for three innings. Got to love rec league coaches .

About me: Started at 15, 18 years, primarily rec (have a 9-5 job), 4 years of HS while in college. Took some time off to start a career and family. Came back to ASA 8 years ago. 2 Nationals and 2-Socal 18 Gold qualifiers. I know I still have more to learn, but new umps are told to look to me to learn as well.
Love to mentor.
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