Whether you buy the GDs with or without the pockets, they're all single-stitched and flimsy with thin loops that bunch up and make the bags sag when you wear them. The fabric's also cheap and thin, and doesn't hold up to actual washing, so you need to sponge them off. The ones with the interior pockets have the pockets tear away from the rest of the bag after very little use. One bag: five games; a second bag: nine games.
So what did they do? They sent me two more bags. So now the four bags cost me an average of $7.45 each, rather than the $14.90 each that I paid for the first two. But you know what? Crap at half price is still crap. I am almost unwilling to use these until they're worn out--that could take the better part of a season. Maybe I'll just give them away now. (The young PONY umpires at the local league love it when I don't like a shirt or a bag or a piece of gear, because to them, it's free gear, so it's more than adequate.)