Originally Posted by LoRafter
Those of you that have responded to my simple request for a clarification of a softball rule submitted on a forum called Officiating.com with such a degree of close-headed, sarcastic and rude comments should be ashamed. I didn't ask for your personal judgments or attacks. I asked for assistance clarifying a rule.
You are correct. This is not the right forum for me. A forum consisting of people that actually can answer a question with an answer, not a judgment, would be much more helpful. People who actually care about the children having fun while learning fundamentals and rules, would be more helpful.
My experience with this forum has been disappointing to say the least. I am shocked to learn professionals think a child is better off learning to play the game without the benefit of learning correct mechanics. This confuses me. Those of you officials who set aside the rules, simply do not know them, don't think they matter, or don't think softball at this age is a real sport, IMO are not doing your jobs; rather, you are hurting the children. Should there be leniency with the rules at this level when appropriate, yes; however, awareness should be brought to coaches and children involved. There is a lot for the children to learn and work on. Rules of the game are one them.
In closing, if it makes you feel better to judge people who selflessly devote their own personal time, share their knowledge and give to our communities, than continue on with your insults and conclusions. I am very disappointed that so-called professionals are reacting this way. 
wow, I have no response. except, sucks to be you.

Ok, just kidding.
You gotta take post in here with a LARGE grain of salt. we lack voice inflection and tone and facial expressions (stupid little cartoon face don't count...well they kinda do)
But, thanks for taking the time to bash other umpire who might not have the skill sets of other seasoned umpires, like in here. But that's typical from a coach. (Ok, that's my one cheap shot)
And no... softball at the 6U level is not a real sport. its a RECREATIONAL activity!! designed to instill the LOVE of the game and to LEARN the fundamentals of the sport.