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Old Wed Mar 18, 2009, 04:20pm
WreckRef WreckRef is offline
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Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
Last season, my football crew worked a game that went overtime. On the visiting team's first play from scrimmage, the RB went around the left end who dragged down the defender. U didn't hesitate and threw a holding flag. TD called back, team didn't score, lost game. As the referee, I took 90% of the grief even though I didn't throw the flag.

They rated us a 1 (the lowest rating). They screamed at us as we left the field that you don't make that call in overtime.

They can rate us however they want. Sad thing is that other crews who couldn't hold our knickers (if you're British, that's funny) will be rated higher and actually think they're better officials than us -- mainly because they try to disappear when they hit the field and see how long they can go without making any calls anyone hates.

Far as I'm concerned, that call is MOST important in the key situation and to not call it there means you may as not call it anytime. If you're afraid of a little attention, maybe it's time to stop working the games.

Great job by the lead in the video. No brainer foul. To not call it would be a travesty. And cowardly, IMO (if a deliberate decision to pass on it).
I completely agree. I wonder if the losing team somehow thinks it would have been fair to the shooting team if they hadn't called the foul or is every game/call only about them?