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Old Wed Mar 18, 2009, 09:16am
181174 181174 is offline
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Originally Posted by Lotto View Post
There's no rule that prohibits this---it's perfectly legal.

There is a relevant approved ruling in the NCAA casebook---I don't know about NFHS:

A.R. 53. A1 is injured and the referee beckons the coach and/or athletic trainer onto the playing court to assist the injured player. After the injured player is replaced, Team B requests and is granted a timeout. Play is about to resume and A1 is back on the playing court.
RULING: A1 shall be prohibited from staying on the playing court. Team B’s timeout does not make A1 eligible to return to play. Team A must request and be granted a charged timeout in order for A1 to remain in the game. (Rule 3-4.16)

I was wondering about this, so this is the same as blood on the uniform, if the team of the injured player takes a timeout and the player can recover enough to reenter the game after the timeout they can stay in the game. Now if team A subs for the injured player and then still takes a time-out, the injured player can't re-enter until time has gone off the clock. If the player is injured at 6:06 in the 2nd quarter, he/she couldn't reenter until at least 6:05 left in the 2nd quarter. Is this correct?
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