The one thing about ASA, s that generally speaking, ASA will be the first to introduce new rules/mechanics into the game, with most of the other groups following along after two or three years. A perfect example of this is the Courtesy Runner rule, which they introced for JO play about five years ago, and now is pretty well all through the game. Of course, this year ASA upped the ante by putting it in for all levels of FP....
One thing about ASA that does separate them from the pack, is that they pretty much set the standards for the equipment for the whole sport.
Lucky us here in NY, our state does NOT belong to the NFHS, so in softball, we pretty much follow ASA JO rules - which makes things a heckuva lot easier for us! OUR biggest thing here is mechanics - lucky us, the NYS Rules/Mechanics interpreter is Jay Miner, who always has an...'interesting'....take on softball mechanics!
Still, I belong to:
PONY (ANOTHER group) - tournaments.
CHVBGSO/NYSSO - first is my local hs group and nyssso is the NYS hs group
with each having different uniforms!
plus I know umps who are NCAA umps, and also do local JC and college games - each with different uni specs!