Thread: SEC tourney
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Old Mon Mar 16, 2009, 09:02pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
We've been told that on a throwinthat's kicked, time should not come off the clock, and if it did, that we're supposed to have the clock reset to what it was before the illegal touch after the throwin. We're also supposed to not chop in the clock on such a play, tough not to do, it's almost automatic.

Tonight, watching a few of my colleagues, two are NCAA Division I offcials, do a state semifinal game, a player tapped the ball on the way up on the opening jump ball. The umpire properly whistled the violation, and had the timekeeper reset the clock to 8:00, it had moved to 7:58. At first I thought, "What?", but then I realized that this was like a kicked ball on the throwin. The tap was illegal, and the clock is supposed to start on a legal tap, thus the clock gets reset .

NFHS 5-9-2: If play is started or resumed by a jump, the clock shall be started when the tossed ball is legally touched.
Discussed previously, too! Stealing the tap
Pope Francis
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