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Old Sat Mar 14, 2009, 02:19pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Near Dog River (sorta)
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Originally Posted by ILMalti View Post
A1 is standing holding the ball next to the SideLine Both feet planted
B2 rushes and grabs the ball.
As A1 and B2 are trying to get possesion of the ball , B2 foot touches the outbound floor (the other is still inbounds)
Would a jump ball call be correct or a OOB violation on B2 ?
Or is this an official judgement call ie either would be correct?

In this situation AP was favouring Team B.
The held ball rule states that a call shall be made to prevent undue roughness. I've had many cases where one perosn tugs on the ball for an unsuccessful possession. The opponent does the same thing, however, no undue roughness is present or imminent. This is pretty much the minimum that I allow: each player gets one tug for possession. If I think one of them could get possession imminently, I hold off on the whistle.

So in your case, I believe the correct call can be an OB call.

If one player has a much higher chance to get the ball, let it play out. if in your judgment, they're at equal chances, give them each one tug and then go with the held ball.
Pope Francis
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