Thread: Drizzle tips...
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Old Sat Mar 14, 2009, 08:12am
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Originally Posted by sri8527 View Post
just be glad no one was seriously hurt, that is when YOU would have found out that you were the boss. if the field is unplayable, get it in writing from whatever authority, that you are to continue the game. when they ask why, just tell them you don't want to be the only one talking to the lawyers, because they will be a calling.

Nah, thats what I pay Bollinger for.

Sometimes you play in the drizzle. Thats the way it goes, especially here in fall ball. You dont get it in writing - you just play and let the tourney UIC and TD figure out when the games get called. Heres the future if you are the one d-head at a tournament saying "wah i want it in writing we play" - you dont work fall ball anymore. If you dont want to work fall ball because you dont want to officiate games where you are playing in less than perfect conditions because you are afraid of lawyers.. then dont. No problem. They will get someone who will (like me).

Bollinger stands ready to deal with this. No one gives a crap about you or your money. They would care about Bollingers money and whoever elses insurance they could tack on. So relax and let them play.
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