Fri Mar 13, 2009, 12:26am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Mizzouah!
Posts: 352
Originally Posted by Texref
Don't see anything about a T being called, but here is the excerpt from the MHSA handbook for basketball:
Regular Season Breakage
a. Rim Breakage: If a junior varsity or varsity team breaks a rim while attempting to
dunk a ball in pregame, that school will be responsible for payment of the rim. If
the rim is broken during the junior varsity game or varsity game, the responsibility
for payment will be that of the home team. If the home team does not have a
replacement at that time, the varsity game will be rescheduled for a later date.
b. Backboard Breakage: If a junior varsity or varsity team breaks a backboard
during the pregame while attempting to dunk the ball, that school will be
responsible for payment of the backboard. The team will also forfeit games
scheduled for that time period. If the backboard is broken during a game, the
home team will responsible for payment and the varsity game may be suspended
or rescheduled for a later date if there is no replacement backboard available.
Tournament Breakage
a. Rim Breakage: If a team breaks a rim while attempting to dunk a basketball
during the pregame, that team will be responsible to pay for the replacement of
the rim. If the rim is broken during the game, the cost of the replacement of the
rim will be drawn from the tournament receipts unless prior arrangements have
been made. If the tournament site does not have a replacement rim, the game or
games will be rescheduled as soon as possible.
b. Backboard Breakage: If a team breaks a backboard while attempting to dunk a
basketball during the pregame, that team will forfeit the game and be held
responsible for the cost of the replacement of the backboard. If the backboard is
broken during a game, the cost for the replacement of the backboard will be
drawn from the tournament receipts unless prior arrangements have been made.
If the tournament site does not have a replacement backboard, that game and
any other scheduled to follow will be rescheduled as soon as possible.
Sounds like this seals the deal