evaluations part 2
I previously posted about evaluations and negativity. I was evaluated at a varsity boys high school game again saturday. I consider the evaluator a friend, but when he said i didn't hustle enough on the field, I thought he was wrong. After all, I am a runner and how could he tell me I don't hustle.
so, he changed a varsity game yesterday(he is the assignor) so he could work with me and do the bases. Boy was i wrong. He made me look like an old man on the bases. he is 53 and I am 60, so this isn't about him being a young guy showning up the old man.
He was jogging and running everywhere, even between innings. so, i stand corrected on eval's. the officials that are evaluating other officials, do know the rules and know when someone does not. they are giving an honest critique of your work.
I now hope I can develope abilities like he has!!