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Old Sun Mar 08, 2009, 08:16pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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I will differ from the others. If you have reasonable computer skills, you can set up the basics in a 6-8 hour day, with game entry needing just a few hours, if you are organized, and computer proficient.

Cost is $5 per umpire (up to 150; you pick the top end you expect to need, and pay for that 'x' # of licenses), plus $25 for a secondary (backup) assignor (argue that it should be included in your contract!!!), plus $49 for payroll calculation (in my opinion, absolutely WELL worth the cost), plus $49 for combined checkwriting and 1099 module (this one depend on your needs).

Assuming you win the "You should include a backup assignor" argument, 60 umpires ($300) plus payroll ($49) is $349 per year. A really good value, I think (I buy 100 umpires plus payroll and argue about 2nd assignor every year). Set it up once, and it carries over.

Last edited by AtlUmpSteve; Sun Mar 08, 2009 at 08:36pm.
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