Actually I used to take the bus to the games also but, now I just carry my lunch. And yes it is lonely wearing your plate gear on the bus, except for Fall ball. I usually ran into a lot of Football officials all decked out for their games.
Sometimes the kids get really scared and sometimes they think it's really neat trying to figure who I am with my mask on. Probably the best time was when the little old leady beat the hell out of me for not letting her have my seat. Boy was I glad I was weaing my mask and cup. Had to remove the cup though because when I got to the game I found out I was working the plate and not the bases.
Oh, and as stated previously, whenever I get the chance to wear those pink tights , TOOO cool man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In all honesty though I have found that the best set of shin guards one can use is a good pair of ice hockey shin guards. More comfortable and more protection. Just my quirk though.