Disconcertion by a mascot???
Is this possible?
Here's the situation, NFHS:
The layout of the gym is such that the crowd is on bleachers on either side of the court, and the wall are about 12 feet or so beyond the baseline. Team A has about six or so cheerleaders along the baseline on either side of the paint (nothing between the lane and the wall), and a mascot.
Team B is lined up to shoot a 2 shoot free throw in the first half. I had just called the foul, so I was near half court at the T position. The mascot behind the cheerleaders along the baseline across the court from the tableside and benches, so he's clearly in my line of sight. I'm standing back, observing for the first free throw, and notice quite clearly the mascot observing my partner bouncing B1 the ball to her for the free throw. He turns and looks at B1 and as soon as he notices she's settling in to shoot the free throw, mascot starts dancing/shuffling/whatever along the baseline and is crossing through the paint area (still OOB, behind partner and cheerleaders) right as the girl releases her attempt. I guess you could call is a somewhat 'animated' walk. In my opinion, this was about as pre-meditated as they come. As soon as the shot has missed, I tweet the whistle and go visit with partner at lead. He had an idea of what had happened. I told him that we're going to re-shoot the first free throw, and address game management regarding the mascot.
I asked at the table for game management. He was already walking over. I asked him "Please make sure that doesn't happen again," and he told me that he was "on it." As we shoot the free throws, admin is trying to look up under the mascot head and give him a tongue lashing.
The mascot was later spotted in the student section, sans head, looking very glum. No further problems.
My question: can the mascot disconcert? Were our actions allowable "by the book"? I think we did the common sense thing and followed the provisions of disconcertion, but I don't necessarily think that the mascot is a "member of the team", even though it certainly is a representative of it.
How would you handle this?
Last edited by rockchalk jhawk; Wed Mar 04, 2009 at 04:14pm.
Reason: spelling