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Old Sun Nov 03, 2002, 05:03pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Posts: 14,565
· Two different proposals-one to drop the base on ball count to three, and another poorly written proposal which I believe was meant to reduce the strike count to two, but is not properly worded in that manner.
· Define a “wild throw” as one which cannot be caught or stopped by the fielder with ordinary effort.
· Change the distance of the pitcher’s plate from HP to 53’. There are two proposals for this. One specifying A ball while the other for all SP.
· Change the distance of bases to 70’ for all SP.
· Minimum fence distance for Major class to be 325’
· Change the ball in women’s and coed softball to the 12” ball
· (All) In Championship Play, teams shall not display the names and/or logos of any other softball assns on their uniforms
· In the Co-ed game, the battery will be required to be as follows: One male as the pitcher and one female as the catcher. This is based on the belief than men have quicker reaction time than women. (The guy that thought of this one must be a member at Augusta National).
· Effect for excess HRs at the Class D level: First HR, batter is ruled out. Second HR, two outs are assessed. Third and any succeeding HRs result in that half-inning will be declared over.
· Change the maximum height of a pitch to 10’.
· Keep the maximum height of a pitch at 12’, but eliminate the minimum of 6’. Their reasoning: “There is no need to have minimum of 6’ as the umpire has excessive speed to control the pitcher. Few pitches will ever be in the strike zone when under 6”, but if there is one, why should it not be a strike.” My opinion: If you have ever been to a National school, they usually demonstrate that it is impossible to throw a ball that gets past the plate in the air lower than 6’ without using excessive speed. Also, if we start calling excessive speed, the teams will need about 8 pitchers to last the game. Many pitchers have occasional problems let alone non-pitchers.
· Allow a pitch which passes through the strike zone and touches the plate to be ruled a strike. My opinion: This will be misinterpreted more than any other rule in the book and most legal pitches which hit the plate cannot possibly pass through the strike zone of an adult player.
· (All) After th ball is in play, the batter may not step out of the batter’s box to stop play unless time has been granted by the umpire. Effect: Action continues and the pitch will be called. My opinion – redundant..
· (Seniors & Masters) If the same batter is walked more than one time in the first six inning of a game, he will receive a two base award.
· Numerous proposals to eliminate running the bases on an over-the-fence HR and four-base awards.
· Add to effect on awarded based due to 8.6.G-M: Once a base runner advances on an awarded base, when the base runner advances to or past the next base, the base runner may no longer return to touch any missed base or one left too soon after a fly ball was touched by a fielder.
· (All) After a runner has scored and missed HP and is physically assisted back to home, the ball is dead, the runner is out and the run is nullified.
· (All) Offensive and defensive USC conduct results in a dead ball. If offensive, the runner is ruled out and ejected and all runners returned to last base touched. If defensive, advance the runners to the base had this USC conduct not occurred.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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