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Old Wed Mar 04, 2009, 08:58am
jdmara jdmara is offline
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Originally Posted by CMHCoachNRef View Post
This issue was BY FAR THE biggest issue we had in pre-game of girls varsity games during the course of the season. MANY (decently-funded) schools had ONE COLOR of pre-wrap (the primary color of their ROAD uniform). It was an incredible hassle to make these girls take the head bands (that were really hair restraints, BUT went all the way around the head) off before the game. As the season went on, it got better, BUT, we still had teams during the last quarter of the season with wrong-colored pre-wrap. My point is that if the NFHS is concerned about costs when allowing "the most common color", why not just frickin allow the team's secondary color of pre-wrap?
Then is sounds like everyone in the area is not applying the rules consistently. There were a few schools around here that had trouble figuring out the headband rule but once it was a few weeks into the season, it wasn't an issue any longer..."Coach, you are not complaint with the headband rule. Please address that with your team".

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