Listed below are the fees that our group charges in Northern California, specifically, the Santa Clara Valley area. (AKA Silicon Valley)
Check out our umpire website for additional information that may be of use to you.
Fees listed are fees paid to umpires. Umpires working game solo are paid 150% of the fee listed.
Pinto - Mustang - Bronco $32.00
.............................Pony $37.00
..............................Colt $45.00
......................Palomino $55.00
.....Summer High School $60.00
........Am Leg 7/9 innings $60.00 / $75.00
..Old Timers - 7/9 innings $60.00 / $75.00
....................College 7/9 $65.00 / $80.00
Our association, Santa Clara Valley Federation of Umpires, Inc., charges the leagues we service anywhere from $10 to $15 additional, per game to cover administrative functions and assignors fees. As an example: Colt level / league fee would be $104/game - of which $90 is paid to umpires, $45 each.
These are 2002 fees and will probably remain effective through the 2003 season. Normally our fees increase every two years.