Originally Posted by CMHCoachNRef
Either allow any color of headband OR ONLY allow the primary color of the uniform (it is not fair that only the cream colored pre-wrap is legal -- make all pre-wrap colors legal or none of them legal UNLESS they match the uniform).
Originally Posted by JRutledge
This is not completely correct. All colors of pre-wrap are legal, they just have to match or fit the subscribed colors listed by the rulebook. But I have seen black, red, blue and tan pre-wrap.
As JRut said, your impression of the headband rule is incorrect. Currently,
Headbands and wristbands must be white, black, beige or a single solid color similar to the torso of the jersey and must be the same color for each item and all participants.
Although I haven't had much problem with this rule, I think that perhaps it could use some tweaking. I don't care what color the headband is, to be honest. It should be required that all the headbands for every individual is the same/similar. Make it simple.