Originally Posted by bbcoach7
player had possession and touched the floor with other than hand or foot sounds text book to me and I'm just a bottom feeder coach.  There was no bobble, no tip or defletion --> just dribbling & falls to knees while controling the ball in hands. This gets called a travel around here every time, I'm very sure.
If dribbling and the ball keeps bouncing with no touch as the player falls to knees and slides, THEN gains control it would be legal, correct? As long as no attempt to get up or move to seated, or roll over?
No, it's not traveling.
The player was dribbling and fell to the floor. So touching the floor with other than the hand or foot is not an issue.
He legally has to ball on his knees. His momentum caused him to slide. It's no different than diving, gaining control, and continuing to slide.