Mon Mar 02, 2009, 08:42pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 33
Originally Posted by M&M Guy
Well, I can kinda see the point the vet makes.
4-44-5(B) is the case play - in it the player dives for a loose ball, then slides after gaining control. In RookieDude's play, the ball was never loose - the player was dribbling, fell to the knees while dribbling, then slid on the knees after picking up the dribble. How would that be different than a player who dribbles while running, picks up the dribble, then slides on his feet after picking up the dribble?
The player who picked up the dribble and then slid on his feet moved their pivot foot. A player sliding on his knees on the floor has no pivot foot.