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Old Mon Mar 02, 2009, 06:19pm
RookieDude RookieDude is offline
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Sliding on kness

This may seem like a very simple question...

but, there were a few veteran officials with different opinions on the correct call.

Player A1 is dribbling the ball...and while dribbling falls to the floor on his knees.
No travel. (We all agreed on that)

But, after attaining floor status his momentum causes him to slide on both knees...he picked up his dribble after he started to slide, and he continued to slide for about another foot.

One veteran said the player could have been going for a loose ball while sliding on his knees...kind of like getting a loose ball while sliding on his belly...and there would be no travel.

But, that same veteran said that since he had control of the ball after the dribble...and continued to slide, on his knees, it was a travel.

Is there a difference?...

What do you think the call is for both scenarios?
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
Member since 1989
Richland, WA
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