Mon Mar 02, 2009, 04:22pm
Originally Posted by cardinalfan
Put a mechanic in that looks like a dog jumping through a hoop to signal over the back.
Then, officials who already use this non-signal would feel like trend-setters... real pioneers of the game.
I would also like to have a mechanic to point at my butt and my head at the same time. It would work well in this situation:
I call traveling on team A. We go the other way, and I call traveling on team B. There should be a mechanic there to let the crowd know I "just called it the same on both ends".
Does that include the wagging tail (in our humanistic case, the wagging a**) as well as the hanging, panting tongue?
Hmmmm...this looks a little too close to the "I'm pulling this out of my a**" gesture I use with my co-worker once in a while, but I like it!