Mon Mar 02, 2009, 03:40pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 1,673
Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
With the season winding down, it's time for our almost annual thread regarding rule changes we'd like to see.
Here's an NF change I'd like to see. It's not a big deal, but it seems more equitable. Team A has team control in their backcourt. They request and are granted a timeout. When they subsequently inbound in the backcourt, why not have the 10 second count pick up from where it left off instead of resetting? What's the logic about them getting extra time to get the ball across just because they got a timeout?
Also (and I think I've suggested this every year since Dr. Naismith and I put up the first peach basket) - no overtimes. Of course, it doesn't affect me, since I don't allow them anyway. I'm just thinking of the rest of you. 
Change the ruling about headbands, sweatband and hair control devices.....make them take them off.......
Score the Basket!!!!