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Old Mon Mar 02, 2009, 02:40pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Terrapins Fan View Post
NO 10 second count for the Free Throw.

Has any one in the entire universe ever called this??????

I actually had one this year and didn't call it because I knew the coach would go nuts.
You don't call it because the rule is there.

Without it, some coach would have his player stand there for a couple of minutes so he could rest his players, have a mini-clinic with the other four players, glare at the officials, ...

My proposal: If there's a held ball (or any other reason to use the AP arrow) with 3 seconds or less to go in any quarter except the 4th, the team with the arrow can "decline" the posession and declare the quarter over. This prevents a team from getting a "wasted" AP posession near the end of a quarter, when they can't take advantage of the play.
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