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Old Fri Nov 01, 2002, 11:58am
bigwhistle bigwhistle is offline
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Lightbulb the tone is set by the stripes

Should we be surprized at the laxness of coaches and fans concerning this subject (profanity)? It was only a couple of months ago that the Harlem little leaguers did their showboating act and people tried to condone it by saying..."well, that is just the environment where they are growing up". If we use this logic, then things will never get better.

Kids, and adults for that matter, will adhere to the stipulations put on them. They will raise their standards when required to do so. The argument that it is an inner-city game or that the coaches allow their players to do it should make absolutely no difference to the officials. By our code of ethics, we are actually held to a higher standard than the coaches and players. "If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying" is acceptable for the teams...but just let there be any suggestion of cheating by the officials and there is such a hailstorm that nobody survives. Don't be afraid of forcing others to bring themselves up out of the gutter and perform in a manner that society would endorse outside of the athletic arena. Remember, these games are an extention of the classroom, and if the english or history teacher would not allow the act to occur in that class, it is our responsibility to make sure that the act does not go unpunished in our "class room".

Because we are supposed to be at this level, it should follow that we should try to up the standards of what we expect in our games. While a slight muttering may be ignored, the too often exibitions of profanity and taunting that are passed on need to be addressed...and addressed firmly.

If your supervisor says don't take care of the situation, if you really have any integrity, you must decide if that supervisor is really worth working for.
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