Well, this is how I feel about the situation. According to the rule, when a runner is obstructed, we, as umpires, are to protect them to the base they would have received if no obstruction occured. In this case that would have been first base. As soon as the runner regains first base, IMO the obstruction protection is now over because the runner has safely reached the base they would have gotten. So at that point, the obstruction is no longer applied and the runner is now on their own to advance at their own risk.
The rule about not being put out between bases obstructed to me would only be applied if they never regained or gained the base you feel they would have gotten.
So in this case, let's say if because of the obstruction, the runner was never able to regain first base, now if they were thrownout at second, then I would put them back at first, but, if after the throw had gotten by the 1B and the runner regained first, then tried to go to second, now they are on their own.