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Old Wed Feb 25, 2009, 01:57pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by OHBBREF View Post

The other thing is you can not go around making up calls just because there are three bodies on the floor, if you don't know how they got there.
you are going to take some grief on this situation most likely anyway, because people believe that when their are three bodies on the floor their had to be a foul. So get it right and know how they got there.
Had a play in a 2-man game. I'm T and player drives to the basket on my side. Initially I can see between A1 and B1. B1 gets his hand on the ball as A1 is raising it and I see no contact. From my angle all I see next is the ball coming loose and rolling OOB with A1, B1, and B2 (B1 runs into B2) crashing to the floor. The Lead can see the entire play from his angle. He blows his whistle and indicates A's possession. A1 is still on the floor and obviously hurt. I beckon A's HC who too busy complaining to me that there was no call to actually check on his player. Finally he waves his trainer on who is accompanied by B's trainer. A1 sits up and he has blood pouring from his face (nose or lip, I couldn't tell). Of course now HC is really agitated. I explain to him that I didn't see any contact and I wasn't going to guess. While A1 is still being attended to I ask my partner if I missed something. He said he didn't see a foul otherwise he would have obviously called a foul instead of OOB. He then says that A1 said he hit face on the ground when he landed.

So I was right in not guessing.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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