Originally Posted by gslefeb
One trick is to have the score keepers "color in" the personal fouls at half. Especially, if a new keeper arrives at half. This way you can count the personal fouls in the 3 and 4th quarters to tie out to the running team total.
During halftime of middle school games (generally a student may be doing the book), I make sure each book agrees with the other. I color in the half time running score. I also color in the personal fouls.
For your case, I would start counting team fouls from that point on and not try any guessing as to how many you had called.
We draw a vertical line after any existing fouls. It's worked for over a decade. . . I also have the SK write down the arrow's direction.
For FIBA games, since fouls reset every quarter, I ask them to use a different stroke each quarter.