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Old Wed Oct 30, 2002, 03:44pm
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Newburgh NY
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Originally posted by sneallyk

Our baseball coummunity is soliciting a new fee structure for the 2003 baseball season. Can anyone provide the fee structure for your areas for a comparison. It doesn't matter what level (College, high school, select or house level).

Based on 2 person crews Each individual receives

1. HS - Modified $50.00
Freshman / JV - $58
Varsity - $78

In addition, when working SOLO you get a FEE plus 1/2. If a game is cancelled you have to be notifyed 1hr. and 1/2 in advance otherwise you receive FULL game FEE.

2. CWBL (Collegaite Wood bat League) - $60 for 7 $70 for 9
3. Men's Leagues - $60 for 7 $70 for 9
4. Legion 18's - $50.00
5. Jr. Legion = 16's $45.00
6. Jr. Legion - 14's $40.00
7. Other youth leagues 18 and under - $50.00
16 and under - $45.00
14 and under - $40.00

All contracts are the same for notification purposes. An umpire should be notified of game changes 1hr. and 30 minutes in advance otherwise full game FEE. SOLO = FEE plus 1/2

Also, All FEES paid at the plate conference BEFORE the game. No FEE at plate conference = NO GAME. If a check is bounced the league in which the check bounced is required to pay any BANK charges, etc.

IMO, no matter what FEE structure you have, make sure it is written down and approved by everyone so there is no misunderstanding.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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