Originally Posted by DG
Interesting that an NCAA clinic would tell you to call TIME, THAT's A BALK, since it is not immediate dead ball in NCAA, it's like OBR. FED is the one that is different.
The proper mechanic, for all levels, is THAT's A BALK. For FED this means time is called, for NCAA and OBR it is delayed dead, depending on what happens with the pitch, if one is delivered.
I apologize if that's the way it sounded. I was using the FPSR application from the clinic and moving it over into a similar immediate dead ball situation. I did not mean to imply that at the clinic they taught us to call time on the balk. That was not my intent.
I meant that we were told to call time first on the FPSR then relay the "foul." It would be the same in FED with the balk.