Just like an INT at 2B on a FPSR, the "proper" mechanic would be to call time first - now everyone knows that nothing else can happen. Then point and call the balk and award. It would be "Time, that's a balk, you second base"
No I'm not using the FED manual. I'm basing this on NCAA clinics' (edit) proper mechanic for an immediate dead ball (like FPSR) and applying that same process here.
does it matter which way - not really. But I would think to be "proper" you should call time first.
Yes we can get into a habit of throwing our hands up and that will cause a doo-doo storm in an OBR sitch. That's what pre-game's for - go over the simple stuff and make sure we are thinking clearly and correctly. Then when there's a balk, we would point and let the play happen - avoiding the doo-doo on the fan.
Just my $.02 - that and a subway token wouldn't get you from Grand Central to Shey, but there it is.
Last edited by ManInBlue; Mon Feb 23, 2009 at 03:27am.