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Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 10:01pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
5.8.3. Situation E covers this play. In (b) covers this clearly and says you go with an accidental whistle and you do not grant the timeout.
Thanks JRutledge. I think that the asterisk before the case play indicates that the case play is new. That's why it took so long for Nevaderef to come up with an interpretation. If it had a been a fifteen year old interpretation, then he would have come up with it in a few seconds. According to the "Law Of Nevadaref Interpretations", the time it takes Nevadaref to come up with an interpretation is inversely proportional to the age of the interpretation.

*5.8.3 SITUATION E: A1 is dribbling the ball in his/her backcourt when: (a) the Team B head coach requests and is erroneously granted a time-out by an official; or (b) the Team A head coach is yelling “side out” offensive instructions to his/her team and the official stops play believing the coach requested a time-out. RULING: In (a), Team B is entitled to use the time-out since it was requested and granted; once granted it cannot be revoked and is charged to Team B. All privileges and rights permitted during a charged time-out are available to both teams. Play will resume with a Team A throw-in nearest to where play was stopped. In (b), an accidental whistle has occurred. Team A was not requesting a time-out, and therefore, should not be granted or charged with one. Play is resumed at the point of interruption. (4-36-1; 4-36-2a)
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