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Old Wed Feb 18, 2009, 03:55pm
Man In Blue Man In Blue is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 127
Thumbs down Elbow Swinging II

A 1 is bring the ball up the court. B1 tightly defending but legal. As A1 gets just over half court, picks up his dribble, and chins the ball swinging both elbows clearing space.

B1 almost falls backwards (tripping over his own feet) trying to get out of the way. I called a violation for excessive swinging of the elbows. Coach A is very upset, the player acts as if you doesn't know what he did wrong, etc.

After the game we are discussing the play. One official who didn't work the game but saw the play thought a foul or travel would have been a better call. He said he hadn't seen that call for years. I told him I didn't see a travel or contact that was a foul.

Should we make up a call that would be easier to sell?
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