Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
Please note that I said "sometimes called", not that C1 and C2 are official designations. Many people have started to use that, rather than to have to clarify "in C behind the 'x' shoulder".
What we now know is that he wasn't in D, which (D) was the reason people questioned the original post. While he was slightly out of position, he wasn't as far out as originally stated.
An old post of mine:
If we are going to discuss positioning, can we use some common nomenclature to reduce the reading time and misreading:
A = outside 1st base line
B = between 1st and 2nd (B1 or B2, left or right of F4)
C = between 2nd and 3rd (C1 or C2, left or right of F6)
D = outside 3rd base line
C3 = occasionally for inside 3rd base line, right of F6 and F7
(not usually accepted)
I agree with and in fact preach adjusting position to various situations, especially the number of outs, getting the best look at pickoffs, where the fielders are, etc. Not necessarily everything suggested in this topic, but certainly the concept, remembering that angle is more important than distance.
1) The pickoff at 1st requires a closer look than the steal at 2nd.
2) I can read the runner at 1st quickly enough to use my headstart getting a good angle at 2nd.
3) With 2 outs, closer to 1st, again determined by where F6 is.
4) With runner at 3rd, closer to basepath to get pickoff angle.
5) Always moving toward the play, partly for better look, partly for selling.
I don't remember what "
everything suggested in this topic" means.