Originally Posted by johnnyg08
I like the black collar as well. I'd like to start our assn toward that version. it's hard enough to get guys to upgrade to unfaded stuff...but that would be nice. i can see the other side too in the fact that there appears to be a new shirt every few years.
The main units in Los Angeles have officially okay'd the use of any of the main colors (navy, powder, polo, black, cream, gray, white) as long as the umpires match. I guess this is how it should be.
I would wear black at every opportunity. But when the temperature hits 80, it gets tough. Gray, cream and MLB blue all make nice alternates. I have two of every color and am always willing to let my partner borrow any shirt that fits, so he can try a new alternate color, and so we don't have to wear the powder.
Heather and powder ... I don't even like the words.