Originally Posted by CajunNewBlue
Pitcher goes to plate with hands separated but ball is in glove and she flips/tosses (with the glove hand) it over to her pitching hand then she brings both hands together ="double dipping" for a IP. .
By book I agree this is an IP. She came onto the pitcher's plate with hands seperated, legal. She then seperated by bringing the ball to her glove, legal. When she brought the hands back together she committed an IP. After the seperation you have to bring the pitch, if the hands come together a 2nd time you have an IP.
Now, if the "flip/toss" occurs at the same time she is stepping onto the plate then I disagree with the IP call if she brings them back together. But is she is already on the plate then "flip/toss" occurs then touches again, IP.
If you allow the flip/toss she can stand on plate and "play catch with herself" any number of times.