Thread: Spin move
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Old Thu Feb 12, 2009, 01:37am
just another ref just another ref is offline
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Spin move

Had a post man in BV game last week that came across the lane to receive a pass, then did a 360 spin move into the middle of the lane for the shot. Well, consider the physics. Player catches the ball facing the endline, spins completely with no dribble and winds up 2 or 3 feet from where he started, with one foot returning to the floor followed by the other. It is impossible to do this without traveling from where I sit. The kid did this three times. I feel sure it wasn't something he made up that night, so apparently some officials had been allowing the move, but his own coach screamed at him the last time. "That's just foolish, son!" or something to that effect.

BUT, Smith for Duke made pretty much the same move, although off the dribble rather than receiving a pass, and not only was it a no-call, they must have replayed it ten times throughout and after the game.

No wonder the kid seemed confused.
I swear, Gus, you'd argue with a possum.
It'd be easier than arguing with you, Woodrow.

Lonesome Dove
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