You are a different kind of person. You are one of those imperious people who must feel he is right about everything, whether you are or not.
If you like $cientific $tudies, then believe what you wish. I believe what I know to be true, and not what a $tudy concludes. The Shock FX is the softest straight-on blow I have ever received of any helmet or mask as a catcher or umpire.
So that means I am concluding that the Shock FX is safer than a mask and in my case, you are wrong, and the $tudy you are so apt to believe can line my daughter's bird's cage.
Why don't you teach a class where everyone has to act like they think you're right?
Opinions are what they are. If you disagree with everything certain people say, you know and will continue to know less than you should about life and people. Good luck.
Last edited by Kevin Finnerty; Wed Feb 11, 2009 at 09:48am.