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Old Wed Feb 11, 2009, 08:17am
With_Two_Flakes With_Two_Flakes is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
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Posts: 244
Chill out everyone It was the guys first post. Being from the UK where rugby is huge, I can understand his perspective. American Football in the UK is in the same position, a minority sport played in front of a handful of people.

Rugby was the #1 sport at my high school, and I hated being forced to play it when all I wanted to do was play soccer like my buddies who attended other schools. My school didn't play competitive soccer at all, the school principal was a "rugby" man. My dislike of it has receded over the years to the point at which I can now just about cope with watching it on TV. But I would much prefer to be in Ann Arbor watching a Michigan game.

But there are positives to being a minority sport. If I was a rugby official (one of many thousands) instead of a football official (one of maybe seventy) then I could never have hoped to work the playoffs and Bowl games that I have.

Finally I'll just point out that while JRutledge is correct about much of S.America, Argentina are actually one of the top world teams in rugby. The British influence 100+ years ago that introduced soccer to Argentina also introduced rugby.
Sorry Death, you lose.... It was Professor Plum!
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